This year is the 350th year of Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj’s coronation. With this justification, we are organizing various competitions.
Welcome to the speech contest organized on this occasion. We invite you to embark on a scholarly journey into the various aspects of the life, times and multifaceted achievements of Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj’s distinguished personages.
Concept : Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj
Participants are encouraged to explore various aspects of Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj’s life and rule such as his military genius, administrative reforms, diplomatic prowess and cultural contributions etc. Dive into the pages of history and discover how Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj transformed a small kingdom into a grand one. Through your rhetoric you can reflect on Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj’s lasting impact on India’s socio-political landscape, his commitment to religious tolerance, his vision for a just and prosperous state while upholding the values of empire, valor, justice and good governance. By participating in this competition, you have an opportunity to explore the fascinating world of Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj, learn from his leadership qualities and be inspired by his unwavering dedication to the people.
Join us in celebrating this visionary leader and contribute to a deeper understanding of his remarkable life and legacy. Your eloquence may hold the key to unlocking new perspectives on India’s greatest historical figure.